So that day we had Thanksgiving, then we left early (sad cause I like to play games) but I was about to crash, and when we got home I did. I slept from 5:00-7:00, then woke up and put Colette to sleep. Then I tried my best to get back to sleep, but couldn't, before I had to head into work (at Target). My shift started at 12:45 am and went until 9:15 am. So yes, I was there when all the crazies were there. Yet I didn't see any crazies! From 1-2 there was a rush (46" TV for $398, apparently that is a good deal), and there was an infant with her mom, in a sweatshirt, waiting in the freezing cold line outside, and screaming the whole time inside.. not sure what that mom was thinking! But no shoving, pepper spray, or hair pulling. I did see a man offer $$ to someone for a certain item..but that's it. After 2 am, the store was quiet and slow. I worked in the shoe section, so the slippers were the only thing selling there. But I recovered from lack of sleep over the next couple of days, and realized something very important. Black Friday deals are not that great. I had to do some marketing at Target, and some items were only $3 off, and you don't realize that because the new sign covers the old one!! So there you have it. No need to Black Friday shop at 1:00 am.
Other than that, Thanksgiving was great. Colette just loved mashed potatoes and corn, of which we let her go to town on and we are very thankful for all the blessings we receive, our families, and the gospel in our lives.
So with you on Black Friday! Sorry you were sick during the holidays. Boo!
I was watching on the news and they were saying the best weekend to shop was actually the weekend BEFORE Black Friday....crazy!!
Glad you are feeling better! Oh and my present wreath looks FABULOUS hanging on our door. Thanks for the help!
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