Monday, June 27, 2011

Colette's Blessing

She wore my blessing dress from 28 years ago! Kind of fun to turn it into an little heirloom

Yesterday was Colette's blessing. It was a beautiful day and Cole didn't even cry during her blessing. Nick did a wonderful job! Afterwards we all went over to mom and dad's house for dinner and to hang out. It was a perfect day and I could feel the love everyone had for Colette on her special day!

Edwards Vacation

Watching the Taylorsville days firework show
Nick's sister Emily, cuts hair in NY and while she was here his sister Megan had her cut her hair. Then, his other sister Lindsay made this little headband out of Megan's hair for Colette. It was pretty funny!
Nick's family came to town for his parents 40th wedding anniversary and we all got together in Taylorsville to hang out, watch the fireworks, play lots of great games, and catch up on fun times! Hanging with the Edwards is a lot of fun and I love getting to know them more and more. They each have such wonderful personalities and huge hearts- and great sense of humours! Huge plus :) Overall it was a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Long Time No Blog

I haven't blogged in a long time. I guess I just haven't had time since I've been adjusting to being a new mom. It's been so fun! And the older she gets, the more personality I can see and I just love it. Here are a couple things I have realized with being a mom:
1. Human babies are TOTALLY dependant on you! No other mammal is like that
2. She is her own special spirit- I am getting to learn who she is individually
3. I couldn't be a single mom. Nick is a huge help
4. Even babies want a snack between meals sometimes.
5. Starting to average 7 hours of sleep a night means happier baby. (she likes routine)
6. 7 hours of sleep still doesn't equal 7 hours for mom...must pump to survive
7. I'm so creative and detail oriented with how to cure a diaper rash. (she LOVES diaper changes)
8. Seeing her smile and learn to laugh is making it all worth it
9. I need to stop spending so much $ on her clothes when she'll outgrow them next month
10. I've learned she needs baby time, and I need mom time and we both need together time :)