Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Life:

Dear time, Why are you always there when I don't need you? And never there when I do? Bad friend you are.
Dear people with time, Where do you get it? 
Dear money, Why are you so expensive? You and time are in some evil plan- I know it!
Dear BYU, Why don't you offer the classes I need in PROVO!!
Dear education, Something so expensive, worth it, but probably won't use again. Rocks, come on now.
Dear traffic, Why do you always put a slow person in front?
Dear age, How come as you get higher, everything on me gets lower?
Dear sugar, I hate your guts! But I need you in mine everyday-  Aargh
Dear water, You're deeellllicious
Dear hipster girls, Why do you still wear Peter Pan boots, and belts around your ribs? Sooo 4 years ago..
Dear Nick, I love you.
Dear car, I am sorry I made fun of you at first.  But with your tint job, I love you too.
Dear sleep, Why do I spend so much time with you? Nick might get jealous
Dear skateboarding, I promise to spend more time with you this summer.
Dear high heels, Why do I feel skinnier when I wear you?
Dear celebrities, You're boring. I'm over you.
Dear Peeps, You're asthetically beautiful  to look at, but I always regret eating you.

Please feel free to add more in the comments... It's kind of fun once you get going.


Anonymous said...

HAHA you crack me up!

Sophia said...

Dear job, why do I have to convince myself that I like you every morning.
Dear pregnancy week 19, why can't you go by faster so I can get my ultrasound already!
.. this is fun.:)
(I have the same relationship with my high heals, money and time)

Audrey said...

Dear Kim, where do you get such awesome ideas?