

My grandma Lola has moved down to Provo due to her being very ill and needing help; so she gave me her little red chair that I have loved. I was excited to get working on it so that I would have a chair in Colette's room. After lots of hard work I finished it and I think it turned out pretty good. And if you are thinking I purchased chevron fabric..you are wrong! I couldn't find any, and to find it in the exact colour I knew would be impossible. So I just bought the right colour fabric and some white and started sewing. My mom, an avid and wonderful quiltress, was very impressed with what I did! And in case you didn't know, this is the Vienna Cafe chair #14. A very popular chair...
1 comment:
Ok, so, super cute chair! I was thinking "where did she get that super cute fabric?" So I'm way impressed that you sewed it!!! Excellent work. :)
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