We started our day by watching a little TV while Kim tidied up the house. Emma chose the show...
Don't know what it was, some show from England on Netflix, but she was glued to it! Then we went grocery shopping and out to dinner for good ol' chicken strips. She was laughing and dancing all day long. Never ran out of energy
We finished the day with a little slumber party in the front room. Watched a nature show on monkey's. Emma loved the monkeys and was making monkey noises
We played a little, "where's your belly button", "where's your nose", etc. She was so nervous to point out Nick's nose. It was cute. The off to bed. She is the easiest baby to put to bed! Just lies down and goes to sleep.

In the morning we had yogurt, cheerios, and raspberries for breakfast. It was cold the weekend we watched her so I put one of my long sleeve shirts on her. She wanted to try on my boots.
Then off to Grandma's for the Springville Art City parade. She was dancing the WHOLE time! Everyone around us was giving her candy because she was too slow to grab some. A lady kept taking her picture and another told me to entre her in the baby contest, and another said she was the happiest baby she has ever seen. She was a hit of the parade!
So overall it was a great weekend. Made Nick and I a little baby hungry cause she was so happy and easy going! She is my sister's 6th girl and they all are just as happy as she is.
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