I haven't uploaded any pictures lately to my computer, so this is the only thing I have to post. Just some fun little clip-its I have found online. I guess you can enjoy these until I get around to uploading new pictures.
In less than 1 month this great dad to Colette and husband to me, turns 29- the last year of his 20's!! It will be an exciting year for him and I'm sure he will never forget it.
Christmas time is near (and thankfully not here yet) so Christmas crafts are inevitable! I am on the RS committee for Super Saturday and I had to make two crafts that ladies in the ward could choose from. These are the two I chose and I think they turned out pretty good. Colette just loves the little Christmas Story finger puppets, so I'm glad that it's at least a hit with her!
So Colette now has two bottom teeth in. She is sitting (when we put her in that position) pretty good, but still needs work, and she is learning to army crawl around to get what she wants. When we went to the doctor's last week, she said Colette was perfectly healthy, 14 lbs, and in the 89% for height. Looks like our little string bean is going to take after her daddy!
My mom and I went to Newport and looked at a couple of mansions. This first one is Rosecliff. It is where they filmed, The Great Gatsby, True Lies, and Omistad. Pretty cool place to live for 10 weeks a year (!!!) but the owners had a sad story of their life...you'll have to visit to know what it is :)
This is the Cliff Walk in Newport and it goes along the cliff (who'd have guessed) and also by all the castles. Such a beautiful walk!
This is The Breakers. Some cool facts of this castle: - One room had platinum on the walls. VERY rare back in those days -The Vanderbilt family owned it...the very Vanderbilt's that also owned Vanderbilt University where Nick was also accepted. - Mr. Vanderbilt had a solid marble slad bathtub. It had 4 faucents. 2 for hot and cold fresh water, and 2 for hot and cold sea water. They had to fill and empty it several times for the marble to warm up. Craaaazy - They only lived here 10 weeks a year... - The National Historic society purchased it in the 80's (?) for $400,000!!! THAT's IT!!
My mom and I thought this little house was the ground/gate keepers house. Nope- it's the children's 'play' house. My brother-in-law Reid needs to step up his play house game, after seeing this!
Providence, RI
Out for fresh caught seafood. You should have seen the TWO LARGE lobsters my dad ordered!
In Salem, Mass. looking for witches
At our Ward Halloween party.
Dad having cider that heated up his glasses! So funny
Colette was Princess Leah. She was a hit at the ward Christmas party and when we went to Nick's school to bring the grad students some candy. I made the costume myself! So I'm proud of myself for that because the robe is lined...ooooooh.
Carving pumpkins with my dad and Nick. We kept a bunch of seeds and I made 'Savory Pumpkin seeds' (garlic salt, worcheshire sauce, butter, pepper) THEY WERE DELICIOUS and I'm not huge on seeds.
Colette with her little pumpkin. We finally had a use for a binkie of hers. ha. And below is her sucking on a Twix. She loved the shiny wrappers of everything!
Overall, we had a great Halloween. My parents were here the week before so we had lots of fun, and Halloween night we had 1 Trick or Treater...a teenage girl! So it was a slow night, but we had a nice relaxing night. I think next year though we are going to take Colette to the White House to trick or treat. That would be really fun! I'll have to think of a REALLY cool costume for her.
Ok, ok, more like apple, raspberry, and all other items forever...but we had a great time none-the-less. When Nick's sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came to town, they showed us this great little part of Rhode Island where there are orchards! So we went and picked apples and had a great time. Colette just loved gumming on the apples and I loved having so many apples so that I could freeze some pies for Thanksgiving time.
I have so much to catch up on, but my first item up is this great 100 calorie pack of fries at McDonald's. I ordered my kids meal, and there they were- replacing the 380 calorie pack! AND they put apples with it. What a great meal and the whole thing was...ummm...(let me do the math) about 350 calories. GREAT and being a new mommy, seeing kids meal become healthier makes me happy.