So yesterday was a big day in the Edwards home. Since I am only sleeping 40% of each night, when my alarm went off I had trouble getting myself out of bed. Nick, being sick the last couple of days, also had trouble getting out of bed. So he grabbed his phone (probably to play the flying bird game) and saw that he received an email from..... BROWN!!! He immediately got my attention and pulled the email up and we read it together. It started off by saying, "Congratulations! We are pleased....." We were SO excited and immediately knew it was the place for us. We have felt that way since we were invited to interview. Here is our Brown story: When Nick was applying for graduate programs, one of his neuroscience teachers received an email from Brown just showcasing the program. He told Nick about it, and Nick hadn't thought about it much before then. We were excited to stay West coast. But he went to apply for Brown anyways, and they decided to waive his application fee. Great! Why not apply if it's free? So as the interview acceptances came in, Brown came in. Then we were thinking, Really? We have a chance? So Nick got more interested and looked into the research they provide and became REALLY excited as it's EXACTLY what he wants to do for a career! So he flew out to interview the last week of February. He was there with students from Cornell, Yale, Harvard, etc... he felt like a small fish in a big pond- but he did great on his interviews and they fell in love with his passion for neuroscience. Six days later we were lying in bed reading an email showing that we were accepted!
We really feel like it was a guided decision for us. Not sure why, but we both feel like it's the place we need to be. It's too strange to be accepted to an Ivy League school, but denied by lesser qualifying schools? It's too strange to have had it fall into Nick's professors lap and the application fee waived? And it's too strange that they are giving us everything we need to keep our little family a float. All these things together aide us in thinking that it's the place we have to be. So come August, we will be moving to Rhode Island, then after that Washington, D.C. I cannot wait for our family's first adventure!
P.S. My sister informed me that Hermione has taken a break from there to focus on her career, so I can't get autographs for anyone and my hope of becoming friends with her and having her babysit for us is out. :)