Saturday, February 7, 2009

16 at heart..always will be

Behold, my 26 year old husband's favourite past time, now that surfing isn't an option here in Utah. He probably spends about 5-8 hours a week skating. Actually, that is where he is at this moment while I write this blog...I am not complaining- it's better than Zelda and I like him being active because he is a happier person :) And to be honest, I'm quite impressed he still has some skate skills. I wonder how often I will see him once the sun starts shining regularly...hmmm


Unknown said...

Looks fun. I'm trying to remember what it was like when I could go out and do stuff like that. Now that I have kids, they are a different type of fun.

Kim Edwards said...

but you use lots more energy with kids :) haha

Leah said...

Kim, did you do the paint job on that? It's fabulous.