Well I guess it's officially time I can announce that Nick and I are pregnant. Well, I'm actually the pregnant one, but Nick is the support. Today we had our 12 week visit and immediately when they put the little monitor to my belly we heard the heart beat. It was so surreal. Like, that sound was coming from inside me. So strange. I've been doing all sorts of reserach so I felt prepared, but it still was a crazy feeling/sound.
I told the doctor that I've lost 10 lbs and couldn't keep a prenatal vitamin in me, she gave me some sample ones to try and told me I have to gain weight by my next visit. So I might need some dirt cake :) haha We are pretty happy and don't care if it's a boy or girl. Just so excited that I have 2 awesome sisters who are so happy to help us out with giving us their done with baby things! How great is that?! I hope the baby is healthy and can't wait to meet him or her!

This is what a fetus looks like at 12 weeks. It's the size of a lime!