Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stay Tuned

I am 94% finished decorating our rental apartment that we just moved into. I am happy with the way it turned out compared to the before pictures (which I will also post) and it feels more like a home now.

My mom said something interesting to me though. She said, Kim, the more you move- the less money you have for a future house due to the new decorating, etc. She is so right! It costs money to move and I am not planning on moving again until we head off to graduate school. Then I will be in that place for 4 years until Nick has his PhD. Then we will see where we are at for a REAL HOUSE we can call our own! Just a dream in my mind right now- but one day:)

Until then, I learn to deal with old carpet, and cheap counters and make due. It's not the home that makes a family- a family makes a home! (little words of wisdom)

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