Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ed Morgan Jr.

Two weeks ago my grandfather passed away from pancreatic cancer. The doctor said his heart was healthy as can be, but the rest of his organs were failing due to his cancer. Over this time I have been thinking of what a fun, hardworking, man he was and how I will miss him. I think I got some of my perfectionism from him and definatley my love for animals! He served in WWII as a paratrooper and this is a picture of him during war that we have in my dad's book, Saints at War. I am really glad that my brothers and I went up there not too long ago and go to see him and play dominoes. He seemed happy while we were there. The funeral was beautiful and full of people who really loved him as much as I do.

1 comment:

Linz said...

I'm so sorry to hear this Kim. My thought are with you guys.