We have these friends that have a little habit about us. We told them once that we can't go out to eat with them cause we were poor. We just didn't want to spend the money; not that we couldn't. Anyways, since that time (4 months ago!) they have been blabbing whenever they can that Nick and Kim are poor and can't participate in things due to price.
For ex:
"Joe and Sue, you want to come to dinner with us? Sorry Kim, we won't invite you cause it's a pricey place."
"Why didn't you buy more than one DVD?" (DVD sale at FYE) "Oh, they can't buy more because they are poor."
"Where do you guys want to go eat?" "Pick someplace cheap cause Nick and Kim can't go someplace expensive."
So, it's pretty funny. They are DEAD serious when they say it too. Nick and I laugh at it- but it's so weird to me that they are just saying it like, how's-the-weather casual. I would feel terrible if I flat out said something like that about another's private life. But they are a pretty blunt couple and it doesn't suprise me. I've learned to laugh at it.
maybe i should say that we are poor so people will stop expecting us to spend money all the time! its not like they all have money to spend, they're all just being less responsible than us.
I agree!! (it's been kind of nice on the money end of things :) hehe)
You're supposed to be poor when you're first married,lol. We were for about 7 years. You guys are going to school and going about things the right way. Be proud of yourselves.
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