Monday & Wednesday work: 8:00-2:00
lunch: 2:00-2:30
drive to SLC: 2:30-3:15
Study: 3:30-5:00
class: 5:00-7:30
drive to Provo: 7:30-8:30
math tutor: 8:30-9:30
then 9:30-10:30 tidy house, eat, shower.
Tuesday & Thursday work: 8:00-3:00
lunch: 3:00-3:30
drive to SLC: 3:30-4:30
study: 4:30-7:30
class: 7:30-10:00
drive home from SLC: 10:00-11:00
Now I know those of you with kids are laughing going oh, man I am a whimp; but seriously I eat only two meals a day and I am constatly driving to SLC! I am tired of driving. This semester has been nuts! And on top of that I have to make time to pay bills, (change all our bank accounts due to fraud) file for student loans (i have to fill out petition due to my F's with math..never ending) and keep a clean house and keep up with laundry and make a meal or two for Nick AND then I got a relief society teaching calling! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT THURSDAY WHEN THIS SEMESTER IS OVER! I need some Kim time- ThE eNd :)
You busy lady! No wonder we never get to see you. Let's plan something and we'll get a babysitter!
Yuck. That doesn't sound fun at all. I'm sorry! What happened with the bank fraud???
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