Friday, March 23, 2012

Audubon Centre

Yesterday was such a beautiful day (80 degrees) that my friends decided to head to the Audubon reserve and Colette and I tagged along. It is this reserve where you walk through a field of tall grasses and cat-tails, and a pond or two, before it takes you to the beach.

Colette loved the sand, and yes, a couple handfuls made it to her mouth. While the boys loved looking for mini-crabs and snails by flipping over rocks. Afterwards we had a picnic at the look out point and just sat around enjoying the sun. I enjoyed it a little too much because I got a sunburn on my neck. Thank goodness for my friend Marissa who brought sunscreen, so I lathered Colette in some of that.

Even though everyone had a grand ol' time, these two were pooped out from too much fun and sun!

Tid-Bits of Life

I was trying to roll on Nick's sore muscle thing, and my hair got caught under it! I couldn't move and it hurt/was really funny. Nick snapped a picture.
Colette fell asleep this funny way in her swing. She loves this swing!!
We put a diaper on her head and she really liked it. She kept it on for quite some time. Yes, the diaper was clean and un-used.
Riding the train in NYC
And here is Nick flossing Cole's teeth. She really likes it...maybe it's the mint flavour.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Her first steps!

She has done it! She took her first official step a couple weeks ago, but now she is taking 3-4. So it's only a matter of time before I am chasing a little one around the house! We are so happy over here