Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Rock, Arkansas

The pool at Lindsay's hotel. We spent a couple hours there to cool down and let the boys work on the house.
Dalin doing spank your booty
The grandkids of Hal and Lynn
An Arkansas Box Turtle we found in the old pool
Lindsay and Ashley playing
More fun games being played
Nick working on the bathroom. I grouted the floor after the tile went in. My first time every doing that. It was easier than I thought. Hopefully it dried fine.
Nick hanging out in the family room
Rissa and Ashley with the cutest little toys Lindsay's bought them. I wanted one for me, but they didn't come high enough for me to reach.

The Old Mill from Gone with the Wind

Can't do an Arkansas trip without a little lawn mower riding. Nick gave me a ride down the street. It was so funny and fun!

I caught my first every lightening bug! I've never even seen one before until this trip. They were EVERYWHERE. And I killed one and it glowed green for a few seconds, then died.
Nick's old high school. We had to go pick up his diploma. He only lived there for 4 months, and moved himself to Vegas the day of his graduation, so he didn't even get his diploma. So we had to go pick that up, but since it's been so many years, they sent us to call the main offices of the school district.

What a great trip! My first time to the south and boy, I sure didn't expect the humidity the way it hit us. Lynn and Hal said it was not normal, and they just had a high heat, high humidity spell go through. Boy was I sticky and hot the whole time! Seeing Arkansas was worth all the heat. We had fun hanging out with Nick's family and so happy that Lindsay and Chris's family came up. It was nice to spend time with his family.

And yes, I got a couple magnets for my collection :)

Graceland. Need I say more.

Elvis's front room
Elvis's TV room
Elvis's game room
Yes, the ceiling was carpeted
Elvis's Jungle Room
Elvis's Grammy's
Elvis's army outfit
Elvis's wedding clothes
oh yeah
Elvis's raquetball hang out room (raquetball court was next door) He sang his last song in here the morning before he overdosed, I mean passed away. ;)
One of the MANY rooms full of all his awards
The signature outfit
Elvis's grave. He was buried on his grounds due to fans
Graceland Mansion

Things you may not have known about Elvis:
1. He met Priscilla in Germany. She was the daughter of an army sargeant.
2. He dated Priscilla for 7 years before he proposed
3. They were married in Vegas
4. 9 months later Lisa Marie was born
5. Elvis was a twin. His twin brother died at birth
6. His parents lived with him until they died.
7. He donated around $6000/month to charities
8. At 22 he bought this house for $120,000

He had a shooting range, corporate offices, ponies, a huge car lot, and the whole upstairs we were not allowed to see to keep 'respect' for him and his family (hehehe) My dad loved Graceland so I knew we had to go. It was a lot cooler than I thought it would be. In fact, I'm listening to Elvis as we speak. He had so many more songs that I thought. What a fun experience.

Memphis, TN

Driving into Memphis
On Beale street in Memphis. The birthplace of Jazz

Nick in front of BB Kings. The Gibson guitar factory is one street over. It was pretty cool!

Emma and Us

We started our day by watching a little TV while Kim tidied up the house. Emma chose the show...
Don't know what it was, some show from England on Netflix, but she was glued to it! Then we went grocery shopping and out to dinner for good ol' chicken strips. She was laughing and dancing all day long. Never ran out of energy
We finished the day with a little slumber party in the front room. Watched a nature show on monkey's. Emma loved the monkeys and was making monkey noises
We played a little, "where's your belly button", "where's your nose", etc. She was so nervous to point out Nick's nose. It was cute. The off to bed. She is the easiest baby to put to bed! Just lies down and goes to sleep.
In the morning we had yogurt, cheerios, and raspberries for breakfast. It was cold the weekend we watched her so I put one of my long sleeve shirts on her. She wanted to try on my boots.
Then off to Grandma's for the Springville Art City parade. She was dancing the WHOLE time! Everyone around us was giving her candy because she was too slow to grab some. A lady kept taking her picture and another told me to entre her in the baby contest, and another said she was the happiest baby she has ever seen. She was a hit of the parade!

So overall it was a great weekend. Made Nick and I a little baby hungry cause she was so happy and easy going! She is my sister's 6th girl and they all are just as happy as she is.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Date Night

Nick got Bocci Ball for Christmas and we have come to find out that it is one of our favourite past times. Especially with the park as our backyard! I can give Nick a run for his money too- unless he taunts me, then I lose my concentration and always lose. It's still a free, fun, date.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Our Second Anniversary

Happy Second Anniversary Nick. When I think back to when we first met at the bonfire, it's amazing how much we have both changed in such a short time. I am so blessed to have married my best friend, who can laugh with me, tease with me, challenge me, and love me. What a wonderful blessing you are in my life.
Here's to 50+ years left in our lives.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

May 31, 2010 Waterskiing

My brother Geoff and his daughter Lucy
Nick and Geoff jumping into the water
Nick diving in from the tower on the boat
The whole gang that went (except Leah cause she was behind the camera)
Nick and I just got back from Moab when my brothers were packing up the boat to go to the lake. I really wanted to go since I haven't been on the new boat yet, so Nick and I went with them. It was really fun! I wish the sun was out more to work on my tan, but we had fun listening to the 90's, eating pasta salad, and watching Steve wakeboard (since no one else wanted to) I love the summer time!