Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just cause...

Just had to post this cause I can and it's funny. I can definatley see me doing that...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Little Smokey

Nick's FIRST EVER caught fish! He was so proud of himself!
(this is him talking to the fish telling him how he caught him)

Little Smokey river in Southern Idaho
Nick gutting the fish. He was more fascinated with the body parts inside the fish than actually cleaning it out. It was REALLY cute to see
Nick caught 8 fish! We started off the day with me showing him to put the worm on and explaining what to look for in the river. He was a natural! Once he caught his first fish he did a little dance, then I had to show him how to get it off the hook and into his bag. He was nervous for his 1st one, but after that he was a natural again! I didn't have as great of a day as I only caught 3(!!!!) and I had 3(!!!!) REALLY bad falls. I am still black and blue on my arms and back and bum. We had a great time though-

Giddy Up

The skyline in Idaho is always breathtaking
Pigs at the fair..yes they are alive

Nick and I went up to Idaho this past weekend and we were very excited to go to the fair. Sadly they didn't have Bingo :( but we did go see the Rodeo and Nick was very impressed with the cowboys and I was impressed by how much they can make in a year! ($240,000+)!! We had elephant ears and Idaho fruit drink things. It was really fun!

Scootn' the Alpine Loop

Nick and I decided to ride our scooter up the Alpine Loop on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. We were suprised it had absolutely no problems and we made it up and through just fine. And the weather was perfect! I love riding with Nick on the scooter!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Perfect Day

Sunday was the most perfect day! I just sat outside of our house and enjoyed the not too hot, not too cold weather. I wish there were more days like that. (not just the weather but the fact that I could just sit outside :) )

Edwards Weekend

RIGHT after Bear Lake we drove home, I took my test, then off to SLC to attend Nick's grandma's 80th Birthday party! (that is a picture of Nick dancing with his grandma) It was really lovely- food, dancing, good company. I had a great time. Then the next morning was his grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. There were lots of games, food, and pictures. We hung out with his immediate family for dinner that night & dessert. It's always fun to see the Edwards! We had a great weekend!

Bear Lake

Every two years our family goes to Bear Lake. This year I got the week's mixed up so Nick and I were not able to go. But we worked out our school schedules and my school test schedule and suprised my family by showing up at midnight! It was really fun. We tie dyed shirts, pinata'd for dessert, marshmellow gun fight, waterskiiing obviously, and ate lot of food! Nick broke his pinky finger while there but it's looking pretty good now. Just VERY swollen! Colour has come back to it though. Anyways, my grandma M. gave my parents a big bag of WWII stuff that he has in his basement. We got to go through it all and he has a lot of Nazi items, (didn't post them due to ummm...not sure how to say it) but it was really fun to see!

Adventure Race

This is kind of old, just goes to show how often I pull pictures out of my Canon camera. Anyways, Nick did an adventure race with my brother Geoff, and Seth and Matt (who are Leah's brothers) Nick had a whole lot of fun! (even though he grabbed my bike shorts instead of his..) He still wears his 'team kidney' shirts.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Funny Old Man

I work with a lady named Corinn. She is the sweetest lady I have ever worked with! She told us a funny story that happened to her yesterday and this morning. Her and her husband went to the temple yesterday. She saw a little old man in the temple and he started talking to her and telling her jokes. She politely laughed, then he asked for her phone number and address so he can send her some more jokes. She said ok and gave him her information.
This morning at 6:00am(!) this little old man called her. He wanted to verify her address and he asked her for $45 for the shipping. She said, why is it $45? He said he is going to send her some pictures and a book her wrote. (lol) She declined the pictures and his book but if he wants to send the jokes that is fine. He said ok, but that the shipping will be $30. SHE IS SO NICE! She said ok (!), she will mail $30 to him once she gets the jokes. He said ok. call ended.
HAHA What a funny story and of course it happens to Corinn cause she is the nicest person!